Proposal: Wagdie weekly💕 V2


This initiative seeks to fund operations for the return of the community led Wagdie Weekly podcast show, hosted by lostcowboy and Josiah


Spaces for the last few weeks has been a performance piece. Wagdie Weekly is/has been the heartbeat of our project and we wish to offer back a community led space, bringing interactive discussions on community lore-new characters-vital information-and important calendar dates.


Show up to weekly on

Thursdays @ 8pm EST


A week post passing, we go for 30* weeks of show.


We are asking for 4* ETH for this prop; half delivered at passing and the other at the end. Both Josiah and Cowboy remain busy but believe this is crucial for community spirit and the project.


Bring back the community aspect to wagdie weekly, with updates, news, lore drops, and community banter! If you wanna hang out in spaces again support this proposal! :heart: