Update WAGDIE ERC20 Info

Add Official WAGDIE Info for WAGDIE ERC20

:skull: Abstract | $WAGDIE currently has no info (website, twitter, discord, …) on token sites (etherscan, coingecko, dextools, …). What do people think of adding the following info for this token;

:skull: Motivation | This could be another channel for awareness if anyone comes across our ERC20 token

:skull: Rationale | The ERC is pegged to WAGDIE NFT tokens, so it makes sense to use the official website, twitter, and discord for this token’s info.

:skull: Steps to Implement | Not sure, I imagine I’d fill out a form on the websites to update (etherscan, dextools, coinmarketcap, coingecko, …). There might be complications since the token was deployed via NFTX factory and isn’t something that my address is directly associated with (I think these sites usually want a signature from the token deployer to confirm that the info is accurate).

:skull: Timeline | Whenever… :person_shrugging:.

:skull: Overal Cost | None.

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