WAGDIE QUEST - Events System
The WAGDIE Quest Events System is a story driven community event system where we’ll regularly run PVE quests hosted on social media via Twitter to expand the lore and community interaction of the WAGDIE universe. Participants will be able to put up their WAGDIE’s to go on pre-scheduled quests with others by sending them to the WAGDIE Inn Multisig (0xThriving, 0xG, KingOffling). If successful, WAGDIE questers can earn rewards - but if they fail, they risk death!
The system is the PVE expansion of the WAGDIE Fight (Bald Burner vs. Bald Savior), and Tournament of Death that 0XThriving organized and put out in the last few weeks. Events are operated via on-chain dice rolls and decisions by the participants, and are carried out visually and with links to the rolls on Twitter by the host 0xThriving.
The first WAGDIE Quest was a success and positively reviewed by participants and viewers, and also gave us great feedback that will be incorporated into future quests to make them better!
The proposal will cover elements that may be created depending on the level of funding that include:
- Hosting of multiple events with entry fee that goes to future quest rewards (revenue source)
- Creation of a self-sustaining, open source system for this content
- Build an item store system for these events (revenue source)
- Live streaming of events + tools to put on a live stream of future events
- Creation of WAGDICE.com → on-chain dice rolling tool for wagdie + these events
- Creation of a simple image generator to make quests higher quality, faster to deliver
This system creates engaging content for participants and the broader WAGDIE community, and creates deeper stakes and interaction within the WAGDIE universe. As a WAGDIE owner, you get to see or imagine yourself as being a part of the content and universe in WAGDIE.
WAGDIE Quest ultimately aims to deliver more entertainment via story telling and events, and be demonstrative to the community and outsiders looking into WAGDIE as to why the community driven approach WAGDIE has taken is so powerful.
The goal will be to create a self-sustaining, open source system that the community can use to generate quest content, and that can persist and evolve with the community.
There are three huge parts of WAGDIE that are combined to make this an effective project for the Conclave to support:
- Storytelling - WAGDIE captivates the community by pushing forward content. Quests allow the community to be even more involved in their story.
- Community - WAGDIE empowers the community to build the world. This is an explicit aim of this project - to build out a piece of the world’s story.
- On-chain - WAGDIE pushes forward the power of ownership with concords + burning mechanics. Quest offers similar mechanics with requiring WAGDIEs risk death for on-chain rewards.
We’ll run ~3-5 events using this new system as we leverage those events to build out the system further and iterate with the community.
This system has 3 parts:
- Quest content - the specific events you can face in a quest and story + game deisgn behind it.
- Combat content - the characters, enemies, and combat system.
- Live events - putting on the events requires some live production, iteration, asset building, and storytelling.
Example version of the first quest content (v2 - still iterating before launch)
The quests themselves will be designed iteratively - the first one has been implemented and had positive reception. Future quests will be changed, improved, and iterated on based on results from the previous quests in each of the above areas.
The high level objective of the quests from a design perspective will be:
- Risk/reward → give some amount of risk of WAGDIE participants dying, but reward for them succeeding
- Choice → give some choice in the events and how they playout
- RNG → on-chain rolls create variability and excitement
- Storytelling → create fun story moments that are entertaining and expand the universe and character development
Revenue generation back to WAGDIE INN (for prizes)
- We will create revenue streams that can contribute back to the Wagdie Inn to help facilitate future rewards and create a self sustaining economy:
- Small participation fee (~0.03 eth) to be a part of the quest or fight
- Selling items (i.e. health potions) via an NFT collection “shop”. (ex: potions, armor, consumables)
- WAGDIEs who would die have a 50% chance to burn, 50% chance to be ‘captured’ and put into prize pool
From an economics perspective:
- We’ll aim for each quest, participants will risk losing their WAGDIE, but gain chance for reward - this will be as close to expected value neutral as possible, but will likely be a slight cost for participating to make the risk/reward work
- Initial rewards will be funded partially by the contributions of this proposal, but our aim will be for a self sufficient system that can exist off of revenue + community donations.
- The main goal of this is to produce value in the form of community engagement + content
If we fund the larger commitments, we also will ‘open source’ this by the end of the events by putting together the content in a format that is replicable, and with detailed guides + instructions for people who would want to run their own quests in the future. The goal of this is that we’ll have a system we can continue to leverage as a community to create more content and engagement.
The end deliverable of this will be a set of documents and tools that explain and facilitate creation of the three pieces of the system mentioned above (quest / combat / live events).
These events will be live hosted on Spaces, but if we fund larger commitments, we’ll take the extra steps necessary to host them live on Twitch or a website (which will be more viable because of tools development). Regardless, we’ll be aiming to make following the content as easy and engaging as possible, and will provide assets and documentation on how to host live events.
The current hosting of events is incredibly manual given no tools have been made for on-chain rolling or updating images around results of quest choices or rolls. To facilitate higher quality, faster, and more accessible quest. creation, if we fund the higher commitment we’ll develop two tools:
- WAGDICE - hosted on wagdice.com will be an on-chain dice rolling system that anyone with a WAGDIE token can use. It will be used as the source of truth in these quest and fight events, but will also be made in a way that it could be used for any WAGDIE related dice rolls. (It will have flexible ability to roll multiple dice and flexible sides of dice etc.). I’ll build the spec and be the product owner for this, and will partner with a web3 developer from the community (likely through Poof) to develop and launch the tool.. (This tool concept is a direct result of feedback from the community, Poof, based on the first fights)
- QUEST IMAGE GENERATOR and/or LIVE WEBSITE - this will be a simple user interface that allows us to setup quest scenarios and parties, and then update them with results automatically with a click of a button. It will dramatically reduce the overhead of making quests, increase the quality of the experience of participating/watching, and make them more accessible to others. (This tool concept is a direct result of feedback from the community based on the first quest)
0xThriving’s experience is in product management and development, and we have some members of the community with strong connections around web3 development, so we have high confidence we can execute in building these relatively simple apps quickly.
Poof is helping facilitate development of Wagdice, and 0xG has offered to take on development of the Quest Website if funding is approved.
In fact, 0xG already started prototyping the system:
We have already run the first quest! The process for designing the content and running the events is quite manual, but proven out by the success of these past events - and we now have data points to improve it.
I’ll also be getting input and feedback from the community - both via a feedback form, and a content idea submission form after each battle. So the content will be able to be designed with community inputs.
We’ll continue running events in August as soon as this is approved, and we’ll aim to run an event weekly depending on personal schedule + WAGDIE schedule.
We’ll aim to develop tools that are funded in the first ~2 weeks so they can have the most impact possible on quests we run. We’ll plan to release the open source quest guide in 4-8 weeks.
Community prizes - Based on initial design + feedback from the community, we’d like to have a small prize purse to pull from funded by the conclave to help kick-off the next 1-3 quests - but the primary goal will be for the quest program to become self sufficient, with revenue share going back to WAGDIE INN for future prizes.
Design time, content, and system building - Regardless of the outcome, I will likely do a handful of one-off events on my own as I enjoy creating them (like I did with the WAGDIE Tournament and Bald Burner fight). But given the time that goes into planning and running them, to build out a more substantive offering I’m asking for some budget to pay for my time. The amount I’m proposing to pay me for me designing and hosting the events is based on the amount of time I feel it will take to complete these, and the amount that will motivate me to deliver something great for the community.
Tool development - Lastly, if we fund the larger commitment to build the tools, I think we’ll be able to develop both the Dice and Image tools/website for $3-6k depending on quality we aim for and speed of development partner we choose to work with.
Voting Options:
A) $0 → No commitment for events
- But likely a few over time with light prizes
B) $4k → 2 Conclave Sponsored Quests, Item Shop
- EVENTS HOSTED: 2 Conclave Sponsored Quest lines + Future community quests
- COMMUNITY PRIZES: $1k in prizes to initially fund sponsored quests
- ITEM SHOP: Build out a Quest/Fight item shop with revenue generation
- REVENUE 30% to treasury, 30% to WAGDIE INN for prizes, 40% to content host for time
C) $8k → 3 Conclave Sponsored Quests + Future community quests, Item shop, Open source tools for community hosting
- EVENTS HOSTED: 3 Conclave Sponsored Quest lines + Future community quests
- COMMUNITY PRIZES: $2k in prizes to initially fund sponsored quests
- ITEM SHOP: Build out a Quest/Fight item shop with revenue generation
- OPEN SOURCE QUESTS SYSTEM + HOSTING GUIDE: Building out and Open sourcing the content system/tools/guides for community to host events
- REVENUE 30% to treasury, 40% to WAGDIE INN for prizes, 30% to content host for time
D) $14k → 3 Conclave Sponsored Quests + Future community quests, Item shop, Open source tools for community hosting, Live stream events, Development of WAGDICE + Quest Image Generator
- EVENTS HOSTED: 3 Conclave Sponsored Quest lines + Future community quests
- COMMUNITY PRIZES: $2k in prizes to initially fund sponsored quests
- ITEM SHOP: Build out a Quest/Fight item shop with revenue generation
- OPEN SOURCE QUESTS SYSTEM + HOSTING GUIDE: Building out and Open sourcing the content system/tools/guides for community to host events
- TWITCH STREAMING OR LIVE WEBSITE FOR EVENTS: Coordinate the live streaming of events + enable system to be easily viewed via live broadcast to increase accessibility and drive more excitement around audience participation.
- WAGDICE DEVELOPMENT: Develop a tool to make on-chain dice rolling (Polygon) easy for Quests, Battles, or other WAGDIE uses. WAGDICE.com deliverable for open use
- QUEST IMAGE GENERATOR DEVELOPMENT: Develop a tool to make images + HP automatically to facilitate higher quality, quicker, more accessible quest live shows
- REVENUE 30% to treasury, 50% to WAGDIE INN for prizes, 20% to content host for time
Revenue generation to Treasury, WAGDIE INN (for prizes), and Content Host
We will create revenue streams that can contribute back to the Wagdie Inn to help facilitate future rewards and create a self sustaining economy:
- Small participation fee (~0.03 eth) to be a part of the quest or fight
- Selling items (i.e. health potions) via an NFT collection “shop”. (ex: potions, armor, consumables)
- WAGDIEs who would die have a 50% chance to burn, 50% chance to be ‘captured’ and put into prize pool
- 30% of revenue generated will go to Conclave. Remainder will be split between WAGDIE INN for prizes and content host
- Newcomer’s Inn Multi-sig for prizes (0xThriving, 0xG, King Offling): 0xbC0Ef90E869a142D078554877998fF2bAF310123
- Wallet for Dungeon Master (0xThriving): 0x8e5782C333ff9fe3742C4907d98df6b1Fa546822